Source code for geoproxies

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from builtins import bytes

import copy
import base64
import uuid

[docs]class ProxySettings(object): __slots__ = ('token', 'session_id', 'country', 'session_group_id', 'project_id', 'tracking_id', 'target_id', 'fail_on_duplicate_ip', 'wiretap', 'prefer_ip', 'blockads', 'no_copy', 'pool') def __init__(self, token, country=None, tracking_id=None, project_id=None, target_id=None, session_id=None, session_group_id=None, fail_on_duplicate_ip=None, wiretap=None, prefer_ip=None, blockads=None, pool=None): self.update(token, country, tracking_id, project_id, target_id, session_id, session_group_id, fail_on_duplicate_ip, wiretap, prefer_ip, blockads, pool) def _newcopy(self): if self.no_copy: return self return copy.copy(self) def _geoproxies_proxy_option_name(self, name): property_pxy_option_map = { 'session_id': 'session', 'session_group_id': 'sessionGroupId', 'project_id': 'projectId', 'tracking_id': 'trackingId', 'target_id': 'targetId', 'fail_on_duplicate_ip': 'failOnDuplicateIp', 'prefer_ip': 'preferIP', 'blockads': 'blockAds' } if name not in property_pxy_option_map: return name return property_pxy_option_map[name] def _option_stringified(self): pxy_options = '' pipe = '' for option in self.__slots__: if option != 'token' and option != 'no_copy' and hasattr(self, option) and getattr(self, option): pxy_options += pipe + \ self._geoproxies_proxy_option_name( option) + '=' + str(getattr(self, option)) pipe = '|' return pxy_options def __str__(self): return 'http://' + self.token + ':' + self._option_stringified() + ''
[docs] def update(self, token=None, country=None, tracking_id=None, project_id=None, target_id=None, session_id=None, session_group_id=None, fail_on_duplicate_ip=None, wiretap=None, prefer_ip=None, blockads=None, pool=None): ''' Returns instance of object with updated members **Named arguments** `token`: This is the authentication token provided by Geoproxies, the value is a UUID `country`: Two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1 for ex. mu for Mauritius, and fr for France etc `tracking_id`: This entry is required to identify a single reques, so therefore should be unique at all time. You can opt out to use the new_tracking_id() method instead to generate a unique value `project_id`: Option to categorize data use based on whatever characterization as deemed fit by the proxy user `target_id`: Parameter to represent a domain. This is a needed input when the fine grain ability to control the usage of IP per domain is needed. `session_id`: If tracking id represents a single request, then the session_id represents a set of related requests. `session_group_id`: Use for grouping sessions and can also be use to control the provision of IP `fail_on_duplicate_ip`: An optional truthy value to modify the Proxy behaviour when no unique IP is available in a serve a request. (Note) this option must be used with the session_group_id parameter `wiretap`: Provide a truthy value to enable or disable the wiretapping functionality `prefer_ip`: Use for requesting a particular IP address. IP is returned when available otherwise another IP is used. `blockads`: Toggle option to reject known advert, analytics or attach url as provided on `pool`: Optional parameter to select either Residential or Static IP. Defaults to Static For more detailed information about all the Proxy Option, please check the ''' arguments = locals() del arguments['self'] self.no_copy = True for option, val in arguments.items(): if val and option in self.__slots__: getattr(self, 'set_' + option)(val) self.no_copy = False return self
[docs] def get_components(self): ''' Returns a dictionary of needed Proxy strings/components as required by most Request libraries ''' option_stringified = self._option_stringified() return { 'username': self.token, 'password': option_stringified, 'host': '', 'port': 1080, 'proxyurl': '', 'authorization': 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(bytes(self.token + option_stringified, 'utf-8')).decode('utf-8') }
[docs] def get_api_url(self, name): ''' Returns the proxy url for the api name specified ''' return '' + name
[docs] def set_token(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *token* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.token = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_session_id(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *session_id* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.session_id = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_country(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *country* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_session_group_id(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *session_group_id* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.session_group_id = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_project_id(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *project_id* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.project_id = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_tracking_id(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *tracking_id* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.tracking_id = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_target_id(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *target_id* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.target_id = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_fail_on_duplicate_ip(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *fail_on_duplicate_ip* attribute. ''' if value: return self.enable_fail_on_duplicate_ip() else: return self.disable_fail_on_duplicate_ip()
[docs] def enable_fail_on_duplicate_ip(self): ''' Toggles on the fail_on_duplicate_ip functionality and returns the ProxySettings ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.fail_on_duplicate_ip = 1 return proxy_settings
[docs] def disable_fail_on_duplicate_ip(self): ''' Toggles off the fail_on_duplicate_ip functionality and returns the ProxySettings ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.fail_on_duplicate_ip = None return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_wiretap(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *wiretap* attribute. ''' if value: return self.enable_wiretap() else: return self.disable_wiretap()
[docs] def enable_wiretap(self): ''' Toggles on the wiretap functionality and returns the ProxySettings ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.wiretap = 1 return proxy_settings
[docs] def disable_wiretap(self): ''' Toggles off the wiretap functionality and returns the ProxySettings ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.wiretap = None return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_prefer_ip(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *prefer_ip* attribute. ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.prefer_ip = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_blockads(self, value): ''' Clones and return the ProxySettings with the updated *blockads* attribute. ''' if value: return self.enable_blockads() else: return self.disable_blockads()
[docs] def enable_blockads(self): ''' Toggles on the blockads functionality and returns the ProxySettings ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.blockads = 1 return proxy_settings
[docs] def disable_blockads(self): ''' Toggles off the blockads functionality and returns the ProxySettings ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() proxy_settings.blockads = None return proxy_settings
[docs] def set_pool(self, value): ''' Select either from a pool of residential or hosted IP address and returns the ProxySettings ''' proxy_settings = self._newcopy() if value == 'residential' or value == 'static': proxy_settings.pool = value return proxy_settings
[docs] def get_token(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *token* attribute. ''' return self.token
[docs] def get_session_id(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *session_id* attribute. ''' return self.session_id
[docs] def get_country(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *country* attribute. ''' return
[docs] def get_session_group_id(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *session_group_id* attribute. ''' return self.session_group_id
[docs] def get_project_id(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *project_id* attribute. ''' return self.project_id
[docs] def get_tracking_id(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *tracking_id* attribute. ''' return self.tracking_id
[docs] def get_target_id(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *target_id* attribute. ''' return self.target_id
[docs] def is_fail_on_duplicate_ip(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *fail_on_duplicate_ip* attribute as a boolean. ''' return bool(self.fail_on_duplicate_ip)
[docs] def is_wiretap(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *wiretap* attribute as a boolean. ''' return bool(self.wiretap)
[docs] def get_prefer_ip(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *prefer_ip* attribute. ''' return self.prefer_ip
[docs] def is_blockads(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *blockads* attribute as a boolean. ''' return bool(self.blockads)
[docs] def get_pool(self): ''' Returns the current value of the *pool* attribute ''' return self.pool or 'static'
[docs] def new_session_id(self): ''' This method clones the ProxySettings, updates the *session_id* attribute with a random generated number and returns the new object ''' proxy_settings = self.set_session_id(uuid.uuid4().hex) return proxy_settings
[docs] def new_session_group_id(self): ''' This method clones the ProxySettings, updates the *session_group_id* attribute with a random generated number and returns the new object ''' proxy_settings = self.set_session_group_id(uuid.uuid4().hex) return proxy_settings
[docs] def new_project_id(self): ''' This method clones the ProxySettings, updates the *project_id* attribute with a random generated number and returns the new object ''' proxy_settings = self.set_project_id(uuid.uuid4().hex) return proxy_settings
[docs] def new_tracking_id(self): ''' This method clones the ProxySettings, updates the *tracking_id* attribute with a random generated number and returns the new object ''' proxy_settings = self.set_tracking_id(uuid.uuid4().hex) return proxy_settings
[docs] def new_target_id(self): ''' This method clones the ProxySettings, updates the *target_id* attribute with a random generated number and returns the new object ''' proxy_settings = self.set_target_id(uuid.uuid4().hex) return proxy_settings